So there followed round table conversations. But the results thereof were selective (or not) accepted by the Merdeka Movement. The Merdeka movement further demanded a one-state solution. Most Indonesians didnot understand that, they preferred the existing federal structure. In that situation most Indonesians sought support in the Moluccas movement. This movement (in the Netherlands – today – wrongly seen as an exclusive Ambonesian organisation) formed later, in the Netherland, the RMS.
(Many people moved to the Netherlands after 1948. For this kind of reasons (most of the agreements of the Round Table gave almost no real results). So the Netherlands mobilized the Seven December Division and sent it to Indonesia to restore public order.
* On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. So it is the day the United States declared to participate in WWII.
* Merdeka = Independence; Tan air kita = Our country of birth; Persian = (Indonesian) Unit; RMS = Republic of Maluku Selatan (Republic of South Moluccas).